Music therapy provides many benefits that can directly impact the overall health of the listener. Listening to and singing along with well-known songs from the past can not only envoke positive emotions but can also improve memory functions in the elderly. This has been put to the test in assisted living homes, and I have witnessed it firsthand. An assisted facility employee once let me know that a resident who was no longer able to speak recognized several songs and would sing along. If this phenomenon is able to produce that kind of effect on someone, the person usually experiences anywhere from 5 - 30 minutes of improved cognitive functions allowing them to now carry on full conversatoins with others.
Using a loop pedal to sound like multiple voices and instruments, I perform for the residents and engage them with questions and conversations between songs. When I am finished playing these memorable country, jazz, blues, oldies, hymnal, classical and other styles of music for the residents, I speak with them and find out their favorite songs so that I can play them next time.